Easy, reliable, time saving and efficient Happy Click restaurant POS billing with a single touch. Visualize your order as per table status, availability and occupied in a glance. With the module of tracking multiple food ordering, track the status of the customer orders. Manage your complete inventory, purchase of ingredient, sale order with daily sale report. Pull kore business in by intimating your customers with vouchers, coupons and happy hour discounts through Emails/SMS. With the use of Happy Click Restaurant POS monitor all your restaurant and kitchen activities from the single place of operation
Watch Our VideoEasy billings with Happy Click POS Restaurant in just single click and features of Today's Sale, Today's Purchases, Monthly Payment Method, Monthly Profit.
View and edit your complete POS Sales, Purchase, Purchase Order, Purchase Return, Bill Cancel sales, expenses and purchases in voucher department.
Complete control of the software management with various options like Brand, Categories, Products, Customers, Supplier, Expense Type, and Expense.
Add and view the Physical Stock, Goods Out, Sales Return, and Production Entry. Easy distribution of the physical stock to other sectors.
View and save purchase, sales and HNS reports along Customer, Product, Store, Product Tax, Customer Tax, Purchase Product, Closing Stock reports.
Simplified and easy GST tax, HNS sales & Various taxation reports as per customer wise, product wise or overall taxation.
Record and track the orders and dispatched to stores and warehouse from production unit.
Track the orders dispatched to the stores from warehouses date wise and get reports and save.
Complete production records and reports and save as PDF or take print for further auditing.
Create and edit different departments of each sessions of work.
Enter the raw materials and keep records for the product purchased and used.
Complete Raw material records and reports and save as PDF or take print for further auditing.
Create the company profile, add and assign staff member with their destinations.
Add multiple stores and manage from single software.
create multiple warehouses and add details in customization.
Manage discounts and taxations for products and customers as per needs.
Select roles for staff and assign work and permission accordingly .
Manage all database to be viewed or not on the main software.